O’ the Places Your Blog Can Go

Write it once. Send it many many places. That’s my philosophy of blogs.

And with all the apps making it easy to feed a blog from one place to another, it’s just crazy to let it appear in all its glory just once and once only on your website. Make that blog work for you by feeding it to your social media, and from one social media site to another, as well as to aggregate blog sites, and linked back from everywhere you plant your virtual footprint.

Essential Feeds and Links

Get started with these and then let me know what else you find working well.

It starts with a blog, and the blog goes (usually as a feed or through an app) to:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Linked In
  • Amazon
  • Xing
  • MySpace
  • Onto blog directories: Blogcatalog, Technorati, Delicious, BOTW — you following me here? You know all these players. Just sign up and get your blog feed and linkback to your site. Some allow both feeds and linkbacks; some focus on linkbacks. All of these are good for your blog.

From one social media to others

While you’re setting up your feeds, make sure you set up your book review and reader sites feeds, too. By that, I mean, set up Goodreads to feed to Facebook and Twitter. Shelfari, too, and other more niche book sites you’re probably on. Don’t be afraid of those feeds. Use them like the confetti they are, and especially, use them for Twitter.

And set up Facebook to feed to Twitter; LinkedIn to Twitter (Avoid going Twitter to Linked In as that’s just tacky.)

The beauty of setting the feeds and apps up is that once set up, they sit out there working silently and doggedly for you. And your blog travels the web while you rest.