Lucky Bat Books

Shaunta Grimes, managing editor

Welcome Shaunta Grimes

Lucky Bat Books is feeling lucky to be adding author and editor Shaunta Grimes to its managing editors team today. Shaunta is author of young adult novels including Viral Nation and Rebel Nation, and an editor with experience and passion in speculative fiction, children’s books, creative non-fiction and romance. She teaches writing and guides Lucky Bat Books writers through

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Django Jagger and The People od Darkness by RJ Bucchianeri

Now in eBook – Django Jagger and the People of Darkness!

R.J. Bucchianeri’s second book in the Django Jagger adventure series continues the exciting adventures of Django Jagger and his friends. This time Django Jagger and Riley Rogers become entangled in a sinister plot revolving around bald eagle poaching and the hunt for the key to an ancient mystery. Trekking deep into a hidden part of the Grand Canyon, Django and

Now in eBook – Django Jagger and the People of Darkness! Read More »