Acapella Blues

by Robert Bucchianeri . . .

Sam Ravello, a singer-songwriter living on Cape Cod, tries to help a young Romanian woman and

Acapella Blues by Robert Bucchianeri

her little boy and becomes entangled in a sinister plot involving corruption, blackmail, and a violent criminal underworld. The mystery Sam solves is sadder than any song he’s ever written, a dirge about innocence forever lost and the extremes of love betrayed.

Robert Bucchianeri

Robert Bucchianeri is the author of  Acapella Blues, a mystery, and a forthcoming as yet untitled suspense thriller. He is also the author of several books for young people, including Django Jagger And The Mirror Of The Moon. He can be found roaming the byways and bogs on Cape Cod where he lives with his wife and son.